Missed Opportunity in Round 3 by Morozevich!
Currently the chess world is following Morelia-Linares tournament.
In the round 3 a golden treasury of chess could become bigger if GM Alexander Morozevich didn't miss a wonderful combination in this position.
38.Qd8! Kg7 (forced)
39.f6 Kh6 (also forced)
40.Kh4!! a pointe of combination
when we arrive to position shown on the next picture:
Black would have no defence against a terrific threat - Qf8 with mate! E.g. 40... Qxd4 41.g4! Qb4 (covering square f8, but now) 42.Qf8!! Qxf8 (forced) 43.g5 mate! Final position deserves a diagram.
Also, one move later Russian grandmaster could force a similar victory.
In position on the first diagram White has played: 38.Rf3? Rf1 and now once again:
39.Qd8 Kg7 40.f6 Kh6 41.Kh4!! when 41... Qe1 is answered by 42.g3 Qe4 43.g4 Qe1 44.Rg3 and Black position is hopeless.
Missing a magnificent combination which could crown very well conducted middlegame hurts a lot. No wonder that Alexander Morozevich has lost his next game to Vishawanatan Anand.
In any case, we hope that in the second part of the tournament he will heal his wounds and create true masterpieces!
In the round 3 a golden treasury of chess could become bigger if GM Alexander Morozevich didn't miss a wonderful combination in this position.
38.Qd8! Kg7 (forced)
39.f6 Kh6 (also forced)
40.Kh4!! a pointe of combination
when we arrive to position shown on the next picture:
Black would have no defence against a terrific threat - Qf8 with mate! E.g. 40... Qxd4 41.g4! Qb4 (covering square f8, but now) 42.Qf8!! Qxf8 (forced) 43.g5 mate! Final position deserves a diagram.
Also, one move later Russian grandmaster could force a similar victory.
In position on the first diagram White has played: 38.Rf3? Rf1 and now once again:
39.Qd8 Kg7 40.f6 Kh6 41.Kh4!! when 41... Qe1 is answered by 42.g3 Qe4 43.g4 Qe1 44.Rg3 and Black position is hopeless.
Missing a magnificent combination which could crown very well conducted middlegame hurts a lot. No wonder that Alexander Morozevich has lost his next game to Vishawanatan Anand.
In any case, we hope that in the second part of the tournament he will heal his wounds and create true masterpieces!
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