Saturday, December 16, 2006

Some Thoughts on Rising Popularity of Poker in Chess Circles

Long time I didn't post on here :)

A short remark about chess and poker...

Already for several years you can find an advertisement of poker servers in chess media. Even a popular "The Week in Chess" web site includes an Online Poker Room Directory.

During chess tournaments many known GM's are spending more time playing poker on the net, than preparing for the next round game.

The poker phenomenon is sweeping world, and the World Wide Web. Thanks to its glitzy presentation on TV, and the millions in prize money, it's the pastime of choice for many Caissa Adepts. Like a known proverb goes: Chess players "are too lazy to work and too honest to steal". Poker seems to be a simple way for easy money. Playing no limit Texas hold 'em among chess players is probably the number one form of gambling today. Availability of poker tournaments on the Internet makes it easier than ever to play.

Personally, I know several very good players (ranging from FIDE Master to Grand Master) who are advocating online poker. Trying to turn me into their new "religion" they used different arguments. Just to name few of them:
  • Poker is easy to learn and play
  • Much less theory compared to chess
  • One needs to know just odds... It's all mathematics
  • Better player will win on a long run. Luck isn't playing so big role compared to other card games
  • Skills acquired in chess are helpful in poker.
  • Good chess player can be even poker player...
  • Read books, learn odds... it's just stratatactics (strategy+tactics)...
  • There are many bad players who play over the internet. They don't read books while chess players do study the game seriously :)

In Poker usually "The Winner Takes It All" situation takes place.
In real-life tournaments all players pay expensive starting fee and from that sum winner receives usually about 35-40%. On internet sites people tend to play until only one person has any chips left. And others? What looks like a perfect solution may turn out into a financial nightmare.

Also, poker like any other card game is based much on luck. Gambling might convert into strong addiction. What can be more frustrated than receiving a bad card or blundering a Queen. In last situation we can blame ourselves. And with cards?

Many of us are addicted to chess, but we don't risk to lose money... Chess can't ruin us financially or not? ;)

Well, I am not against that. I support it. More strong players go for poker, - easier for players like me to fight them on a chess board. The only thing I want to achieve with this post is to draw attention of new poker players to the dangers of this card game.

Good luck and have fun! :)


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